Bundle A Java 7 .jar For Mac
Jar2app jar2app is a Python 2/3 script that can easily convert any jar file into a Mac OS X app file. It seeks simplicity, and in fact can be run just like jar2app input.jar creating input.App in the process. No third-party libraries. Though simple and easy to use, there are, such as setting icons, bundle names or bundling your own JRE/JDK.
Install instructions can be found. Example usage can be found. It should run in any operating system (Windows, Mac OS X, Linux), but of course you'll only test the results in a Mac OS X system.
From replies to a question I asked on Apple's java-dev list it would appear that on a Mac with Java 8 from Oracle installed, but not Java 6 from Apple, there is no current way to open a Java application bundle that was created using Apple's own old jar bundler technology. Jul 01, 2017 In this video tutorial i have explained how to Create Mac Installer from jar file. First we create jar from eclipse then we created.app after that we.
Table of Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (TOC created with the help of ) Aren't there other tools that do this? Why another one? There are other tools that do this. I acklowedge them and even have.
However, this project was born out of the need to do something easily and without much cruft. Most solutions out there require a gazillion arguments, or installing ant and memorizing lots of conventions.
Jar2app, however, tries to keep the power of those utilities while providing high simplicity in the process. Really, isn't it wonderful to have such an easy-to-use interface? If you're also considering why these contributions weren't just sent to one of the other projects, it is because this could not be done easily. Uses a custom launcher and is meant to pack things for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Most of the other alternatives require third-party tools that embbed other functionality and which simply cannot be stripped. The solution I was left with was just rolling out my own. If you think that's just a strong case of NIH, feel free to grab what you want from me and send a patch to the other projects:) Just follow the GPL!
Can I submit bundles created with jar2app to the Appstore? Jar2app may bundle your jar, but there are several steps you further need to take to submit your application to the Appstore.
This is not a limitation of jar2app, it's just how the Appstore requires you to do things. For more information on how to submit bundles to the appstore, see. How do I install/uninstall it? Just clone the repository and run install.sh, or uninstall.sh to remove it. It will install to /usr/bin, but you can change this by passing your desired prefix to install.sh, as an argument. This will install the jar2app application/script and make it available for you to run. Examples: Install git clone cd jar2app chmod +x install.sh uninstall.sh sudo./install.sh Install to /usr/local/bin prefix git clone cd jar2app chmod +x install.sh uninstall.sh sudo./install.sh /usr/local/bin Uninstall./uninstall.sh Uninstall from /usr/local/bin prefix./uninstall.sh /usr/local/bin How does it work?
Jar2app relies on (although you don't need to install anything). This application, officially provided by Oracle (previously Apple), acts as wrapper that starts a JVM with a set of options. The JVM can be bundled with the App file, or the system-wide-one can be used. Essentially, all that jar2app has to do is create a directory structure (app files are just directories), pack JavaAppLauncher and your application in it and set appropriate values in an Info.plist file. Additionally, if you so wish, your own JDK or JRE can be bundled and the Info.plist file will be updated to reflect this. I know that there are other solutions that write their own wrapper, but the provided wrapper seems to work great (it's also bundled by ). The other wrapper I saw out there was from the project and it really depended on their way of doing this.
What exactly can I change? You can change many things, but more specifically, you can change the icon, the display name (the one that appears on the menu bar), the version and copyright information, the bundled JDK/JRE and the JVM options. For a full list of options, see Does jar2app bundle its own JRE/JDK? Can I bundle my own? By default, jar2app doesn't bundle any JRE or JDK, and the default will be used on each system. You can, however, pass it a JRE/JDK with the -r, --runtime option.
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