Raajaa, the same handwritten style (with the same extended key mappings) but without the tails, primarily designed for use in body text. Each Raaj and Rajaa font is in seven styles: thin, light, normal, bold, black, script-thin and script.
SikhiToTheMAX was the first ever web search engine created. It revolutionised electronic Gurbani by introducing first letter searching - the (29031) SikhiToTheMAX II desktop search engine Religion and Politics. Aug 25, 2008 there is a way to use sikhitothemax.com on ur iphone with gurmukhi fonts, i did it for mine. Its on the tapoban forum just search for it.its basically a source u have to add, then restart ur phone and it should work. Hope that helps.
Yuneec typhoon h gui. Using the same key mappings means that you can change the font from Raaj to raajaa without having to re-work any special sequences you have set; Font. (Windows), (Unix/Linux) Magaz, A clean, stylized, legible, font, designed to work down to really small sizes if required but keeping a consistent size and clean appearance as large as you like; The Magaz font is in five weights: thin, light, normal, bold and black. They are fully hinted and because of colour-balancing, the bold font will work at very small pixel sizes (clear at 9 px em size) like so.. (Windows), (Unix/Linux) Karmic Sanj, A clean, informal, font, designed to be a Gurmukhi mirror for the ComicSansMS font that you see just about everywhere; The Karmic Sanj font has seven weights: thin, light, book, medium, bold, heavy and black. (Windows), (Unix/Linux) Bulara, A clean, legible, font, designed to work as a display font.